郑战江,男,博士,硕导。2000年本科毕业于山东大学化学学院,2006年博士毕业于中科院长春应用化学研究所。师从李悦生研究员,研究方向为后过渡金属催化剂的负载化研究。2007年,博后毕业于法国雷恩一大,师从J.F.Carpentier,研究方向为镁. 锌配合物的合成及用于MMA聚合的研究。现从事均相催化,催化剂的负载化研究。已在J. Catal., Chem. Eur. J., Org. Lett.等期刊发表SCI收录文章40余篇。
1996.9-2000.7 山东大学化学与环境工程学院,获理学学士学位
2000.9-2006.1 中科院长春应化所,获理学博士学位
2006.2– 2007.2法国雷恩一大国家科研中心,博士后
2009.09- 杭州师范大学有机硅化学及材料技术教育部重点实验室
1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,51303043,聚硅氧烷软质载体调控有机催化性能的研究,结题,主持。
2. 钱江人才计划项目,主持人。
3. 浙江省科技厅公益项目,2014C31131,奥司他韦(达菲)的新工艺研究,在研,主持。
4. 杭州市科技计划项目,20130432B06,绿色农药硅噻菌胺的高效合成工艺研究,结题,主持。
5. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,LY17E030003,聚硅氧烷支载双活化协同型有机催化体系的研究,在研,主持
1. Zhanjiang Zheng, Mohammed Kamal Elmkaddem and Jean-François Carpentier. Synthesis of new dipyridinylamine and dipyridinylmethane ligands and their coordination chemistry with Mg(Ⅱ) and Zn(Ⅱ),New J. Chem.,2008, 32,2150-2158.
2. Zhanjiang Zheng, Gang Zhao, Jean-Francois Carpentier. Zinc and enolato-magnesium complexes based on bi-,tri- and tetradentate aminophenolate ligands,New J. Chem., 2008, 32, 2279-2291(hot paper) .
3. Zhanjiang Zheng, Luxin Liu, Liwen Xu, etc. Amine-Functional Polysiloxanes (AFPs) as Efficient Polymeric Organocatalyst for Amino Catalysis: Efficient multicomponent Gewald Reaction, a-Allylic Alkylation of Aldehydes, and Knoevenagel condensation, Rsc Adv., 2012, 2, 2895-2901.
4. Zhan-Jiang Zheng, Fei Ye, Long-Sheng Zheng, Ke-Fang Yang, Guo-Qiao Lai, Xu Li-Wen*, Copper-Catalyzed Huisgen-Oxidative Coupling Reactions Controlled by Amine-Functional-Polysiloxanes (AFPs) to Divergent Synthesis of Triazoles and Bistriazoles, Chem. Eur. J., 18, 14094-14099, 2012.
5. Zhanjiang Zheng, Lu-Xin Liu, Guang Gao, Hong Dong, Jian-Xiong Jiang, Guo-Qiao Lai* and Li-Wen Xu*,Amine-Functional Polysiloxanes (AFPs) as Efficient Polymeric Organocatalyst for Amino Catalysis: Efficient multicomponent Gewald Reaction, a-Allylic Alkylation of Aldehydes, and Knoevenagel condensation, RSC Adv., 2, 2895-2901, 2012.
6. Fei Ye, Zhan-Jiang Zheng(并列第一作者), Li Li, Ke-Fang Yang, Chun-Gu Xia, Li-Wen Xu*, Development of A Novel Multifunctional N,P-Ligand for Highly Enantioselective Palladium- Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Etherification of Alcohols and Silanols,Chem. Eur. J., 19, 15452-15457, 2013.
7. Ye Fei, Zheng Zhan-Jiang(并列第一作者), Deng Wen-Hui, Zheng Long-Sheng, Deng Yuan, Xia Chun-Gu, Xu Li-Wen*, Modulation of Multifunctional N,O,P Ligands for Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Conjugate Addition of Diethylzinc and Trapping of the Zinc Enolate, Chem. Asian J., 2013, 8, 2242-2253.
8. Zhan-Jiang Zheng*, Ding Wang , Zheng Xu and Li-Wen Xu*, Synthesis of bi- and bis-1,2,3-triazoles by copper-catalyzed Huisgen cycloaddition: A family of valuable products by click chemistry, Beilstein J. org. chem.,2015, 11, 2557-2576.
9. Hao Shen, Xing Lu, Ke-Zhi Jiang, Ke-Fang Yang, Yixin Lu, Zhan-Jiang Zheng*, Guo-Qiao Lai, Li-Wen Xu*, Dimethylbut-2ynedioate mediated esterification of acids via sp3 C-N bond cleavage of benzylic tertiaryamines, Tetrahedron, 68, 8916-8923, 2012.
10. Wang, Cai-Yun,Zou, Jin-Feng,Zheng, Zhan-Jiang*,Huang, Wei-Sheng,Li, Li,Xu, Li-Wen,BINOL-linked 1,2,3-triazoles: an unexpected fluorescent sensor with anion-pi interaction for iodide ions,RSC Advances,2014,4(97):54256-54262.
11. Wang Cai-Yun,Dong Cheng,Zheng Zhan-Jiang*、,Xu Zheng、Yang ke-Fang,Xu, Li-Wen*,Construction of an all-substituted pyrrolidine derivative with multiple stereogenic centers and Betti-base-derived γ-amino alcohols by [1,2]-Wittig rearrangement, RSC Advances,2015,5(69):55819-55824.
12. Cheng Dong, Xing-Feng Bai, Ji-Yuan Lv, Yu-Ming Cui, Jian Cao, Zhan-Jiang Zheng*, Li-Wen Xu*, Cs2CO3-Initiated Trifluoro-Methylation of Chalcones and Ketones for Practical Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Tertiary Silyl Ethers, Molecules 2017, 22, 769.
13. Yang Yuan, Bo Yu, Xing-Feng Bai, Zheng Xu, Zhan-Jiang Zheng*, Yu-Ming Cui, Jian Cao, and Li-Wen Xu*, Asymmetric Synthesis of Glutamic Acid Derivatives by SilverCatalyzed Conjugate Addition−Elimination Reactions, Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 4896-4899.