




徐征 博士 副研究员



  1996.9-2000.7 福建省国立华侨大学 化学工程专业 学士

  2001.9-2004.3 浙江大学 物理化学专业 硕士

  2004.3-2007.3 浙江大学 化学生物学(物理化学) 博士

  2007.5-2009.9 杭州师范大学有机硅实验室 助理研究员

  2009.9-至今 杭州师范大学有机硅实验室 副研究员

ü 主持项目

1. 关于弱氢键在硅橡胶补强中的地位和作用,浙江省自然科学基金, Y4090470,8.5万,2010年1月至2011年12月

2. 结合红外和理论计算研究白炭黑与聚硅氧烷间的相互作用,国家自然科学基金青年基金,20903032,20万,2010年1月至2012年12月

3. 过渡金属催化的芳烃/卤代芳烃硅烷基化反应研究,浙江省自然科学基金, LY17B030005, 9.0万,2017年1月至2019年12月

4. 高效多功能有机硅类抗菌防霉剂的研制及应用,杭州市科技发展计划项目,20170533B08,10.0万,2016年9月至2019年9月

ü 近年来代表性科研成果

1. Mu, Q.-C.; Nie, Y.-X.; Bai, X.-F.; Chen, J;* Yang, L.; Xu, Z.;* Li, L.; Xia, C.-G.; Xu, L.-W.;* Tertiary Amine-directed and Involved Carbonylative Cyclizations through Pd/Cu-cocatalyzed Multiple C-X (X=H or N) Bond Cleavage, Chem. Sci. 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9SC03081F

2. Su, Y.-L.; Wang, X.-B.; Sun, F.-N.; Chen, Q.-Q.; Cao, J.;* Xu, Z.;* Xu, L.-W.* Enantioselective Cross-Exchange between C−I and C−C σ‑Bonds. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 6747.

3. Long, P.-W.; Bai, X.-F.; Ye, F.; Li, L.; Xu, Z.; * Yang, K.-F.; Cui, Y.-M.; Zheng, Z.-J.; Xu, L.-W.* Construction of Six-Membered Silacyclic Skeletons via Platinum-Catalyzed Tandem Hydrosilylation/Cyclization with Dihydrosilanes, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 2825.

4. Long, P.-W.; Xu, J.-X.; Bai, X.-F.; Xu, Z.;* Zheng, Z.-J.; Yang, K.-F.; Li, L.; Xu, L.-W. * Palladium-catalyzed tandem allylic substitution/cyclization and cascade hydrosilylated reduction: the influence of reaction parameters and hydrosilanes on the stereoselectivity, RSC Adv. 2018, 8, 22944.

5. Xu, Z.,* Xu, J.-Z., Zhang, J., Zheng, Z.-J., Cao, J., Cui, Y.-M., and Xu, L.-W.* Mechanistic Insights into Palladium-Catalyzed Silylation of Aryl Iodides with Hydrosilanes through a DFT Study. Chem.- Asian J. 2017, 12, 1749-1757.

6. Huang, J.-B., Bai, X.-F., Li, L., Zheng, Z.-J., Xu, Z.,* Cui, Y.-M., Cao, J., and Xu, L.-W.* Transition-Metal-Free Oxidative C(sp(2))-H Hydroxylation of Terpyridines: A HOMO-Raising Strategy for the Construction of a New Super-Stable Terpyridine Chromophores. Chem.- Eur. J. 2017, 23, 4055–4059.

7. Zhang, J., Xu, J.-Z., Zheng, Z.-J, Xu, Z.,* Cui, Y.-M., Cao, J., and Xu, L.-W.* Palladium-Catalyzed Desymmetrization of Silacyclobutanes with Alkynes to Silicon-Stereogenic Silanes: A Density Functional Theory Study, Chem. Asian J. 2016, 11, 2867 - 2875.

8. Xu, Z., Huang, W.-S., Zhang, J., and Xu, L.-W.* Recent Advances in Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Silylations of Arenes with Hydrosilanes: C-X Bond Cleavage or C-H Bond Activation Synchronized with Si-H Bond Activation. Synthesis 2015, 47, 3645-3668.

9. Xu, Z., and Xu, L.-W.* Silylations of Arenes with Hydrosilanes: From Transition-Metal-Catalyzed. Chemsuschem 2015, 8, 2176-2179.

10. Xu, Z., and Xu, L.-W.* Development of Ar-BINMOL-Derived Atropisomeric Ligands with Matched Axial and sp(3) Central Chirality for Catalytic Asymmetric Transformations. Chem. Record 2015, 15, 925-948.

11. Huang, N., Xu, J., Zhang, H., and Xu, Z.* The Origin of the Decreasing Basicity from Monofunctional Alkoxysilane to Tetrafunctional Alkoxysilane: A Combined IR and Theoretical Study. J. Mol. Struct. 2015, 1089, 216-221.

12. Xu, Z., Jin, J., Zhang, H., Li, Z., Jiang, J., Lai, G., and Kira, M. Insertion of Silylenes into Si-H and Si-Cl Bonds. Comparison of Mechanism and Substituent Effects. Organometallics 2011, 30, 3311-3317.

13. Xu, Z., Jin, J., Li, Z., Qiu, H., Jiang, J., Lai, G., and Kira, M. Remarkable Substituent Effects on the Activation Energy of Silylene Insertion into Silicon-Chlorine Bonds. Chem. - Eur. J. 2009, 15, 8605-8612.

14. Lai, G., Xu, Z., Li, Z., Jiang, J., Kira, M., and Qiu, H. Stereoelectronic Substituent Effects on Silylene Insertion into the Si−Cl Bond. Organometallics 2009, 28, 3591-3593.

15. Xu, Z., Li, H., and Wang, C. Can a blue shift of the C-H stretching modes of inactivated C groups be an indicator of weak C-H…O hydrogen bonds? Chemphyschem 2006, 7, 2460-2463.

16. Xu, Z., Jin, J., Li, Z., Qiu, H., Jiang, J., Lai, G., and Kira, M. Remarkable Substituent Effects on the Activation Energy of Silylene Insertion into Silicon-Chlorine Bonds. Chem. - Eur. J. 2009, 15, 8605-8612.

17. Xu, Z., Jin, J., Zhang, H., Li, Z., Jiang, J., Lai, G., and Kira, M. Insertion of Silylenes into Si-H and Si-Cl Bonds. Comparison of Mechanism and Substituent Effects. Organometallics 2011, 30, 3311-3317.






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