上传时间 :2015-09-05 14:03:27 浏览次数 :12345 作者与来源 :admin
【个人简介】:舒立金,男, 博士,教授,浙江临海人。现主要从事有机硅复合材料的结构与性能,多孔有机纳米材料的设计、合成研究。已在具有较高影响力的国际期刊上发表多篇论文,承担并主持浙江省自然科学基金1项。
【电子邮件】: shulj@hznu.edu.cn
1981.09—1985.06 学士(理学),浙江大学。 1985.09—1988.06 硕士(理学),浙江大学化学系
1998.05—2001.06 博士(理学),德国柏林自由大学有机/高分子化学专业(Free University of Berlin, Institute of Organic and Polymer Chemistry,Organic & Polymer)
2001.06--2002.09 德国柏林自由大学化学研究所(Free University of Berlin) 博士后
2009.3~2010.10 新加坡Polycore Optical Pte Ltd 公司研发部。
2010.11~至今 杭州师范大学有机硅实验室,教授.
l 有机及高分子合成
l 刚性大环分子设计合成及功能
l 有机硅材料结构与功能研究
1. 有机硅中空纳米实体的合成与表征(2012-2014), 省自然基金面上项目资助, 项目负责人。
【代表性论文目录】 发表时间 | 论著(论文)名称 | 发表载体 | 论著(论文)作者 | 2014 | Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Spring: Coordination Driven Reversible Extension and Contraction of Bridged half rings | Chem. Com. 2014, 50, 9369 | Luo D.; Zhang X.; Shu LJ, Zeng Q. ; Wang C. | 2011 | Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Linear Molecular Rods at the Liquid/Solid Interface | LANGMUIR | Mu, ZC; Shu, LJ; Fuchs, H; Mayor, M; Chi, LF | 2009 | Shape-persistent macrocycles comprising perfluorinated benzene subunits: synthesis, aggregation behaviour and unexpexted rod formation | Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 1081-1092. | Shu, L.; Mayor, M.; Krpke R.; Mayor M. | 2008 | Two Dimensional Chiral Networks Emerging form the Aryl-F···H Hydrogen-Bond-Driven Self-assembly of Partially Fluorinated Rigid Molecular Structures | J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 10840-10841. | Mu Z.; Shu L.; Fuchs H,; Mayor M.; Chi L. | 2006 | Shape-persistent maclocycles with a self-complementary recognition pattern based on diacetylene-linked alternating hexylbenzene and perfluorobenzene rings | Chem. Com. 2006, 4134. | Shu, L.; Mayor, M. | | A self assembled molecular zipper based on a perfluorophenyl-phenyl diacetylene motif | Chem. Com. , (17): 1862-1863 2006 | Shu, LJ; Mu, ZC; Fuchs, H; Chi, LF; Mayor, M | 2005 | Double-helical ultrastructure of polycationic dendronized polymers determined by single-particle cryo-TEM | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 11 (10): 2923-2928 MAY 6 2005 | Bottcher, C; Schade, B; Ecker, C; Rabe, JP; Shu, LJ; Schluter, AD |